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We MUST all seek solutions over profit

Since I founded 47 Million Reasons Healthcare Movement back in 2009, my goal was to offer an alternative healthcare system more affordable and apart from the current healthcare we know today. I support the ideology of everyone being able to purchase health insurance regardless of their medical condition, and the return of unlimited coverage. I exceptionally welcome the ideology of prevention and wellness which I been an advocate early on in my career. The Affordable Care Act of 2010, despite all its flaws today has made this ideology possible for all.

So why is there so much opposition to the law? Outside of politically bias, the real opposition is the hidden agenda which favors the industries that created the problem in the first place, making healthcare unaffordable while reducing and cutting consumers’ benefits.

This favoritism is obvious today since the insurance industry has done nothing to reduce the cost of healthcare. The fee for service industry which is the core of a corrupt system continues unblemished opening opportunities to increase cost by now offering unnecessary procedures in the name of prevention. Therefore, increasing the usage feeds into the abundance of claims to justify the increases of premiums each year.

Therefore the promise of lowering premiums to make it affordable is a smoke screen by the industry who now comfortably sit back collecting outrageously high premium guaranteed by the government. We must not forget that the government is paying with our hard earn tax dollars, so we the consumer are now paying the whole bill.

As a result we the consumers are paying for everything, the tax subsidy, the premium, the deductibles, and the co-pay to insure ourselves. We might as well be self insured.

However, the problem does not stop there. The industry due to the ACA law, found a way to reduce their liability by controlling access to the physicians by consumers. They create a mirror company of themselves and divided the network of Doctors. This caused confusion and chaos to consumers who were turndown by their own physicians for care. So consumer scrambled to find new physicians that accepted the new plans under ACA. Today consumer problem is in the waiting time it takes to see the physician since now physicians have accepted the new term of the industry.

As we approach a new election for president, it’s clear we will enter a new chapter in healthcare reform. The division exist for pro’s and con’s on the subject of the Affordable Care Act. What we must keep in mind the law has created a monopoly in healthcare, and the insurance industry is a more powerful than ever before.

So we ask this question? Do we continue to accept this outcome or do we look to change this outcome?

Here at 47 Million Reasons Healthcare Movement we seek solutions above profit. We understand the problems the consumers are facing and work towards the solution.

We believe in the Affordable Care Act ideology, but also believe it fell short and needs to be amended to allow consumers to free itself from a corrupt fee for service system. We understand that the whole system cannot be change easily and it’s entrenched in our society and millions are dependent upon it. We also understand the private industry control the distribution of the existing system and will fight to protect it.

However, what we are losing by fighting to protecting the current system is common sense. Medical professional are becoming trapped is a corporate structure where freedom to practice is lost and protocol governs over common sense. Healthcare professionals are penalized or fear for losing their jobs if they stray away from the protocol. Most healthcare professional today practice CYA medicine to survive.

We as a consumer also are to blame due to our quick reaction to submit fraudulent lawsuit for a quick pay day. As a result no one can practice freely without fear. This fear of lawsuit, fear of unemployment, fear of being black listed, places us in a system that serves only the institutions in the healthcare industry.

Therefore, it’s up to those of us who are committed to “make a difference” to begin easing this dilemma by seeking other solution.

Our solutions has begun and we ask you to join us by making a commitment to Wellness apart from the industry and create our own network of medical professional and services for consumers.

We need better choices than what is in the marketplace today.

George L Soria

Mr. Health Benefits

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