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Wake up America!

Wake up America! The consumer has been forgotten in the insurance industry. The recent article by Modern Health demonstrates what is wrong with this healthcare system. The pursue of power and wealth to control the insurance industry by a few corporation reminds me of what happen in 1974 with the communication industry known as Ma Bell system. The idea that major companies look to merge to become a mega company is what was broken up decades ago with Ma Bell system. Therefore, corporations today are trying to become Ma Bell. How could the government even consider such a merger? Most of the Senators and Congressmen have been sitting in Congress when Ma Bell was broken up because it was a monopoly. Today those same individuals will allow the insurance industry to monopolize the health insurance industry. This is a step backwards and the idea of competition to making healthcare affordable by approving this mega merger is an insult to the American people. The fact is the government has poured million of dollars to subsidize premiums to make premiums affordable and the insurance industry has done nothing to lower their cost. Now they spend $400 million dollars of the subsidy money to become a monopoly and control the industry. Is time to wake up America, the industry has forgotten the consumers needs and perhaps its time to return to making healthcare a not for profit industry again. The concern for the consumer’s health is not there anymore. Its clear is all about profit and power. This is evident also in the recent article by Modern Health where United Healthcare threatens to withdraw from providing coverage under ACA, and only remains in a handful of states. Where is the commitment to the America people? If our political system allows these mergers, and they are the same individuals that broke up Ma Bell decades ago, it also clear we need to end their terms in office, since it’s now the lobbyists who run this country.

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